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  7. Senior Lawyer Vacancies

Senior Lawyer Vacancies

Our advice clinics are run by (usually) two experienced Lawyers  who work together to ensure that the clinic runs smoothly and efficiently on the night.

We have vacancies for senior lawyers who are interested in this role: it involves supervising the session, allocating the clients to volunteer advisers with the appropriate skills and experience for the particular problem, acting as a sounding board for younger lawyers who are uncertain about an issue, and sorting out problems as they arise.

We would welcome contact from anyone who might like to help us with this role.

Enquire about the Supervising Lawyer role

How to Apply or Enquire 

If you would like to apply for or enquire about this volunteer role, please send your cv with a short covering e-mail to Sarah Clover, CEO and Trustee at SWLAC: Sarah.Clover@clydeco.com